

The mission of the Gabriela Lena Frank Creative Academy of Music, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is fourfold: 

1. To inspire emerging and mid-career composers to create self-determined artistic lives through mentorship, readings with master performers, and hands-on practicums addressing the creative habit in the intimate and eco-conscious setting of Gabriela’s two farms in Boonville, CA; to create a support structure for Composer Alumni that includes continued training opportunities, continued artistic development, a lifelong community of peers, and professional commissions within the larger music industry.

2. To honor essential civic initiatives: Connecting guest musicians and Composer Fellows/Alumni with a local small rural community inclusive of its youth and predominantly Latino agricultural workers; encouraging Composer Fellows/Alumni to strategize and realize their potential citizenship in other low arts access areas; encouraging the efforts of composers hailing from diverse backgrounds. 

3. To practice climate citizenship, acting meaningfully to address the current environmental crisis, and to equip Composer Fellows/Alumni with the skill set to make music ethically.

4. To document the stories and teachings of the Academy for video and online dissemination for the widest audience possible.